Scent and sounds when selling your home-you don't have to bake cookies!

Question: We are selling our home.  Our Realtor suggested we bake cookies prior to a showing as the scent is welcoming.  He also asked us to have music on.  I'm not the greatest baker, even the pre-made dough aggravates me!  My music tastes may not appeal to others.  I feel stressed over these two details.  Do you have any suggestions?

Gorgeous Digs places two fragrance warmers in opposite ends of each home we stage.  We supply the Realtor and homeowner with a packet of clean, fresh wax scents such as citrus. The scent warmers are easier to manage versus baking cookies prior to a showing or hosting an open house, and may have a bigger impact on perspective buyers.  We have a motto of "less is more," have a clean, subtle scent rather one that is overpowering.  Same motto applies to music choices.  Soft, low tempo songs are soothing, making the home shoppers more at ease.
An interesting article featured on Zillow by Catherine Sherman touches on the psychological impacts of smell and sound for home buyers with 3 easy steps to follow.


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